Betrayal Trauma, Affairs, Infidelity, Porn
The wound of relational betrayal requires a gentle, understanding guide AND a fierce advocate. The pain and disorientation you are feeling is debilitating and a way forward can feel impossible. From discovery to disclosure to healing - we will walk the road that honors you, your story, and your desires together. You aren’t alone.
Whether it's the discovery or disclosure of porn, emotional affairs, sexual addiction, or physical infidelity the magnitude of the impact is immeasurable. The betrayed can feel rage, grief, despair, loneliness, hopelessness, anxiety, and has so many questions. The betrayer can feel crushing shame, embarrassment, humiliation, sorrow, and fear. You both have choices.
Having walked this road personally, I know how long, grueling, and painful it can be. My responsibility to you in this journey is to help navigate the journey first to TRUTH and then to a plan for reconciliation or separation. I will facilitate a full disclosure, led by the desires of the betrayed partner. If desired, I partner with a local practitioner for the administration of a polygraph test. Once the truth is revealed, the process of rebuilding begins and I will walk with you, equipping you for the rebuilding of trust or the rebuilding of your life.